
New Book Coming Soon
"The North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World"
By: Andrew C. Revkin
ISBN-13: 9780753459935
ISBN-10: 0753459930

For further information, please go to:…

The first book on arctic climate science and history written for the
whole family is being published this month. "The North Pole Was Here:
Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World," chronicles the travails and
triumphs of the NSF-funded research team that annually establishes a
North Pole Environmental Observatory to fill gaps in understanding of
climate and ocean changes at 90 degrees north.

The book also recounts the deeper history of the human relationship with
the North Pole, from the era when it was a purely imagined place through
the period of conquest and study and finally into the future, when
climate models project a largely ice-free Arctic Ocean in summers should
current trajectories for global warming persist. The heavily illustrated
book describes the first International Polar Year in 1882-3 and plans
for the next one.

This book is written by prize-winning New York Times environment
reporter Andrew C. Revkin and is his first book for the "young adult"
audience (10 and up).

More information is available at:…