
Workshop Announcement
From the Forest to the Sea Teacher Workshop
Prince William Sound Science Center
19-23 June 2006

For further information, please go to:

Online registration is available at:

The "From the Forest to the Sea" teacher workshop will be held 19-23
June 2006. Teachers are invited to explore the mountains, glaciers, and
rainforests of the Chugach National Forest and Prince William Sound by
foot, canoes, and kayak. Course themes will explore the changing
geology, oceanography, and ecology through place-based education
activities. Scientists will work with participants in the field to
provide in-depth scientific information about the ecosystems. Leave No
Trace techniques will be incorporated into all explorations. Each
evening will include a workshop to review the lessons of the day and to
discuss and demonstrate various ways these scientific principles can be
included into classroom exercises, with an emphasis on how
environmental/science education can meet statewide standards for
Alaska's teachers.

Participants are eligible to receive two professional
development/graduate level credits available through the University of
Alaska Anchorage. The course fee is $600 USD, which covers the
accreditation fees. Scholarships are available for participants--contact
Kate Alexander at the number or e-mail below for further information.

Workshop partners include the Prince William Sound Science Center, U.S.
Forest Service Cordova Ranger District, and Alaska Natural History

If you have questions or would like further information, please contact:
Kate Alexander
Phone: 907-424-5800 Ext. 231
E-mail: kate [at]