
John Farrell Appointed Executive Director of U.S. Arctic Research Commission

The United States Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is proud to
announce the appointment of Dr. John W. Farrell as Executive Director.
He will join the Commission at its Arlington, Virginia, headquarters in
early June.

Dr. Farrell, a geology graduate of Franklin and Marshall College,
received his Master of Science degree and Doctorate in geological
sciences from Brown University. He is currently a Professor in Residence
and Associate Dean of Research and Administration at the University of
Rhode Island (URI) Graduate School of Oceanography. At URI, he has been
active as a research scientist, a research manager, and as the college
administrator. Prior to URI, he was a program director at the Joint
Oceanographic Institutions where he managed the international Ocean
Drilling Program and the National Science Foundation's U.S. Science
Support Program. Dr. Farrell played a pivotal role in planning and
implementing the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), the successor
to the Ocean Drilling Program. He participated in the highly successful
IODP Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), an unprecedented project that was
conducted in the summer of 2004 atop the Lomonosov Ridge near the North
Pole. Dr. Farrell has spent more than ten months at sea as a research
scientist on oceanographic expeditions to all major ocean basins. He has
published more than 35 peer-reviewed scientific research papers on
marine geology, paleoceanography, and geochemistry.

The USARC was established by the U.S. Congress under the Arctic Research
and Policy Act of 1984 (as amended). The Commission's duties include
recommending arctic research policies and priorities to the President
and Congress and promoting cooperation and data sharing across the
research spectrum. The USARC has offices in Arlington, Virginia, and
Anchorage, Alaska.

Additional information is available at the USARC website, at: