
Call for Abstracts
AAAS Arctic Division 2006 Annual Meeting
"The State of the Arctic"
2-4 October 2006

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Further information and online registration is available at:

The Arctic Division of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) will hold its annual conference on 2-4 October 2006 in
Fairbanks, Alaska.

The theme of this year's meeting is "The State of the Arctic." Various
sessions will cover the current state and issues of current interest in
the Arctic, including the changing physical environment, social and
economic changes, and natural resources. Recent discoveries, their
interpretation, and impacts on policy will be discussed from different
perspectives ranging from economics to geophysics. Plenary topics and
symposia include physical, social, and cultural conditions, including a
special session on the International Polar Year. The sessions planned as
of June 2006 are:
- Persistence of Climate Change in Northern High-Latitudes
- Art and Science: Inspiration and Collaboration
- International Polar Year
- The Contribution of Human Dimensions Research to Observing and
Understanding the Current State of the Arctic
- Go North! Education and Research through Adventure Learning
- High-Latitude Marine Ecology
- Africa and Alaska: Similarities and Differences in Human Dimensions
- International, Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Arctic Policies
- Managing Resources for Resilience in Conditions for Rapid Change
- Socioeconomic Issues in the Arctic
- Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing Arctic

The conference sessions will be held at the Westmark Hotel in downtown
Fairbanks, Alaska. A block of rooms at a special conference rate is
being held for attendees. The conference will include an evening
reception and art exhibit on Monday, 2 October, at the newly expanded
Museum of the North on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Anyone interested in submitting an abstract for the conference can do so
online at the conference website. The abstract submission deadline is
Tuesday, 1 August 2006. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome.
A schedule of the sessions and presentations will be available by
Thursday, 31 August 2006.

Further information and online registration is available at: