
Invitation to Apply as Instructor
2006 Arctic Expedition for K-12 Teachers Summer School
21 August - 15 September 2006

Application Deadline: Monday, 17 July 2006

For more information, please contact:
Kathy Glodowski
E-mail: katcam [at]
Phone: 907-474-1960

There is still an opportunity to become an instructor on the Arctic
Expedition for K-12 Teachers Summer School aboard the ice breaker
Kapitan Dranitsyn (21 August - 15 September 2006). Instructors are
provided lodging and meals aboard the ice breaker as well as
transportation and per diem to and from Kirkenes, Norway, where the
scientific cruise begins and ends. The instructors are only required to
present three to four lectures in their specialty and to lead a couple
of activities on sea ice. Disciplines for which additional instructors
may be accepted include physical oceanography, sea ice physics, and sea
ice biology/marine biology. Instructor requirements include a doctoral
degree, field experience on sea ice or under arctic conditions, teaching
experience, good health, and a valid passport. To apply, please send a
letter of interest and a curriculum vitae to Kathy Glodowski
(katcam [at] fax to 907-474-2643).

This Arctic Expedition for K-12 Teachers is sponsored by the
International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska (USA),
in cooperation with Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing
Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies (DAMOCLES; Europe), the
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Ministry of Science
and Education, and the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics
(Russia). This summer school is concurrent with the fifth scientific
cruise to the Arctic Ocean of the Nansen Amundsen Basins Observation
System (NABOS) program that is funded by NOAA, NSF, and the Japan Agency
for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).

For more information, please contact:
Kathy Glodowski
E-mail: katcam [at]
Phone: 907-474-1960