
Call for Abstracts
Special Session: The Contribution of Human Dimensions Research to
Observing and Understanding the Current State of the Arctic
AAAS Arctic Division 2006 Annual Meeting
2-4 October 2006

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Further information and online registration is available at:

The Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC) Core Office
( invites papers and posters, for a special
session at the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) 2006 Arctic Division Annual Meeting, that focus on identifying
and understanding linkages and feedbacks among the different components
of the arctic system and the role(s) of the human component in
particular. Papers that highlight interdisciplinarity across physical,
biological, and social sciences are encouraged, and especially those
that consider human dimensions as a focus for assessing the current
state of the Arctic and for developing a better understanding of future
system changes.

Session Chair:
Maribeth Murray, Director, HARC Core Office
CGC and Department of Anthropology
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Phone: 907-474-6751
E-mail: ffmsm [at]

The conference sessions will be held at the Westmark Hotel in downtown
Fairbanks, Alaska. A block of rooms at a special conference rate is
being held for attendees. The conference will include an evening
reception and art exhibit on Monday, 2 October, at the newly expanded
Museum of the North on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Anyone interested in submitting an abstract for the conference can do so
online at the conference website. The abstract submission deadline is
Tuesday, 1 August 2006. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome.
A schedule of sessions and presentations will be available by Thursday,
31 August 2006.

Further information and online registration is available at: