
Post Doctoral Position Available
Remote Sensing
Montana Tech, University of Montana

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Xiaobing Zhou
E-mail: xzhou [at]

A post-doctoral position in remote sensing is available immediately at
Montana Tech of The University of Montana for one year. Continuation of
the position will be based on progress or continuation of funding.

Responsibilities include:
1) research and publication on remote sensing of soil moisture and/or
snow liquid water content using radar and passive microwave or other
remote sensing techniques; and

2) help with program development, teaching, and proposal development.

A Ph.D. in geophysics, physics, electrical engineering, geoscience,
hydrology, environmental science, civil engineering, environmental
engineering, or other related field is required at the time of
appointment. Applicants must have demonstrated remote sensing and
programming skills. A record of peer-reviewed publications is preferred.

Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, complete contact
information of three professional references, and an authorization for a
criminal background check obtained from
Montana Tech Personnel Office
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701

or to:
cisakson [at]

For specific questions, please contact:
Dr. Xiaobing Zhou
E-mail: xzhou [at]

Montana Tech is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action