
Graduate Student Positions Available
Microbial Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
Kent State University

Two doctoral student positions are available for motivated individuals
in microbial ecology/environmental microbiology/biogeochemistry in the
Department of Biological Sciences at Kent State University in Ohio.

Research will incorporate modern molecular and genomic methods in
microbial ecology as well as process-based field and laboratory studies.
Research topics include:
- ecological mechanisms regulating bacterial, fungal, and archaeal
- effects of microbial community composition on ecosystem processes;
- biogeochemical interactions between microbial communities and the
nitrogen and carbon cycles;
- examining impacts of anthropogenic disturbance and pollution on
microbial communities; and
- soil and stream habitats in forest and agricultural areas as well as
acid mine drainage and the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.

Previous experience in microbial systems and molecular techniques is
desired; a strong interest in microbial ecology is required. Positions
will remain open until filled.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Jenny Baeseman
Assistant Professor of Microbial Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
Kent State University
Phone: 330-672-2957
E-mail: jbaesema [at]

Dr. Chris Blackwood
Assistant Professor of Environmental Microbiology
Department of Biological Sciences
Kent State University
Phone: 330-672-3895
E-mail: cblackwo [at]