
Call for Abstracts
Session SS33: Microbiology of Contaminants in Polar Regions
ASLO 2007 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
"Water Rocks"
4-9 February 2007
Santa-Fe, New Mexico

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 3 October 2006

For further meeting information, please see:

Please submit your abstract to Session SS33: Microbiology of
Contaminants in Polar Regions at the American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography (ASLO) 2007 Aquatic Sciences Meeting.

As the impacts of environmental change on polar regions increase, the
main pathways of pollutant transformations in cold areas may shift from
mostly abiotic (e.g., via photochemistry) to mostly biotic (e.g.,
microbially-mediated). Little is currently known about the biological
transformations of organic contaminants or metals in these highly
sensitive polar ecosystems. This topical session will focus on the role
played by psychrophilic and psychrotrophic microbes on contaminant
transformations. Studies dealing with any aspect of microbe-contaminant
interactions in polar regions are welcome.

For additional information about this and other sessions, please see:

Alexandre Poulain
Universite de Montreal
E-mail: alexandre.poulain [at]

Tamar Barkay
Rutgers University
barkay [at]

Marc Amyot
Universite de Montreal
m.amyot [at]