
Webconference and Online Workshop for Educators
"Autosub Under Ice"
College of Exploration
18 September - 6 October 2006

For further information and to register, please go to:

Educators are invited to participate in a three week long webconference
and online workshop that will focus on the science, technology, and
engineering of the Autosub Under Ice Programme from 2000 to 2006.

Autosub is a long range, deep diving, autonomous underwater vehicle. It
can carry a wide variety of physical, biological, and chemical sensors
to provide scientists with the capability to monitor the oceans in ways
not possible with conventional research ships. More information about
Autosub is available online at:

Autosub Under Ice (2000-2006) tackled science questions of global
importance and relevance, using innovative technology to obtain
information from beneath floating ice in some of the most hostile parts
of the world's oceans.

This webconference and online workshop will provide an opportunity for
educators of all ages to learn about this cutting edge science and
technology directly from the scientists and engineers who participated
in the program.

New discoveries will be shared, including unique pictures of the
underside of sea ice, details of the rate of thinning of the ice, and
the composition of water collected from under the ice to name just a
few. The presentations will be available in a variety of formats and
resources and lesson plans will be provided. Please note that
participation is free of charge. Graduate credit, however, is available
through Ashland University for a fee.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Tuddenham
E-mail: peter [at]