
VECO Polar Resources Offers Safety Training
25-30 March 2007
Boulder, Colorado

Interested principal investigators should send an e-mail message to:
Angela Pagenkopp
E-mail: angela [at]

VECO Polar Resources (VPR) is offering a field safety training course to
National Science Foundation (NSF) funded arctic researchers. The course
will take place in Boulder, Colorado, on 25-30 March 2007 and will be
facilitated by LTR Training Systems (
The course will cover wilderness medicine training, helicopter/bear
safety training, and field skills specific to working in arctic areas.

This course is open to 20 NSF-funded arctic researchers. This includes
principal investigators, graduate students, research assistants, and
undergraduate field assistants. The course is free of charge for all
qualified researchers. Travel assistance/per diem is available for
participants outside the local area of the course. VPR can only accept
attendees whose schedules allow them to attend all days of the course.

Please note that VPR will arrange for and provide travel and
accommodations for course participants only. Please do not request
accommodations for partners and/or families or assistance with personal
travel in conjunction with the course.

Interested principal investigators should send an e-mail message to:
Angela Pagenkopp
E-mail: angela [at]

Please include your name, affiliation, e-mail, current NSF grant number,
and the names of those you'd like to have attend in your e-mail.