
Ph.D. Student Positions Available
"The Potentiality of Remote Sensing and GIS in Biodiversity AssessmentsĂ®
Thule Institute, University of Oulu

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 31 October 2006

For further information, please go to:

The Thule Institute of the University of Oulu has two Ph.D. student
positions available as part of "The Potentiality of Remote Sensing and
GIS in Biodiversity Assessments", a research project funded by the
Academy of Finland.

The project aims to develop novel approaches to integrate remote sensing
(RS) and geographic information (GI) data into biodiversity assessments.
The potentiality of different RS-GI based approaches in modelling
biodiversity will be explored using empirical information on landscape
characteristics, spectral values, species distributions, and richness
patterns at various spatial scales. The innovation of the work is in the
development of new methods applicable for rapid and cost-efficient
biodiversity assessment.

The Ph.D. student positions available include:

A GIS-RS Specialist with:
- high-quality experience in GIS and remote sensing, data analysis, and
- basic knowledge of a modern low level programming languages (e.g.,
Visual Basic, JAVA, C++); and
- English as a first or second language combined with excellent writing

A Spatial Modelling Expert with:
- a quantitative background and a M.Sc. in geography, biogeography,
environmental sciences, or related topics;
- good experience in spatial modelling, biogeographical/ecological
theory, data analysis, and statistics;
- basic knowledge of higher level programming languages (e.g., S-Plus,
R); and
- English as a first or second language combined with excellent writing

Written applications (in English) should include a CV and verified
copies of degree, employment, and language proficiency certificates.
Applications should also include a one- or two-page (A4) review
explaining interest in this topic and the skills and experience that
he/she will bring to the research group. Please provide the name and
e-mail address of two people who may, if necessary, be contacted as a

Applications should be sent to:
Miska Luoto, Research Professor
Thule Institute, University of Oulu
PO Box 7300
FI-90014 Oulu

Phone: +358-8-553 3558
E-mail: Miska.Luoto [at]