
PhD Student Position Available
Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Thermokarst Lakes in Northern Quebec
Institut National de Recherche Scientifique
Laval University

As part of a multidisciplinary research project involving paleoclimate
reconstructions in northern Quebec, a PhD studentship is available at
the Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement of Institut National de Recherche
Scientifique (INRS) and Centre d'Etudes Nordiques (CEN) of Laval
University and INRS.

The candidate will study the sedimentary sequences obtained from
thermokarst lakes located in the vicinity of CEN's research station at
Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik (Nunavik, Quebec), involving field
observations of limnological and sedimentological processes. The
candidate will analyze sediment cores combining paleontological and
physico-chemical methods, with the aim of defining the natural
variability and past dynamics of thermokarst lake ecosystems in
subarctic regions. This study forms an integral part of a
multidisciplinary research project investigating the greenhouse gas
emissions from thermokarst lakes in northern Quebec.

Desired qualifications include a Masters degree in Earth sciences
(physical geography, geology, or a related discipline in the
geosciences) or in the biological sciences. The candidate should be
familiar with the use of computers and ideally have a background in
paleoclimatology, limnology, and/or sedimentology. Experience with
fieldwork in the north, biostratigraphic, and/or sedimentological
analyses would also be an asset.

Candidates should send application documents (including curriculum
vitae, short statement of research interest, publication list, names of
three referees, and a copy of MSc/MA diploma) to one of the contacts
listed below.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Reinhard Pienitz
Laboratoire de Paleolimnologie et Paleoecologie
Centre d'Etudes Nordiques
Departement de Geographie
Universite Laval
Quebec, QC G1K 7P4

Phone: 418-656-2131
E-mail: reinhard.pienitz [at]

or contact:
Dr. Pierre Francus
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement
490, rue de la couronne
Quebec, QC G1K 9A9

Phone: 418-654-3780
E-mail: pfrancus [at]

Laval University and INRS are French-speaking institutions. The selected
applicant will work both in French and English, however he/she does not
have to be fluent in French.