
Postdoctoral Research Opportunity
Climate and Global Dynamics Division
National Center for Atmospheric Research

For further information, please contact:
David Lawrence
E-mail: dlawren [at]

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder,
Colorado, seeks to fill a postdoctoral fellowship position in the
Climate and Global Dynamics Division to participate in a model
development and research program centered around northern high-latitude
terrestrial climate change feedbacks in the NCAR Community Climate
System Model (CCSM).

In recent decades, the Arctic has witnessed startling environmental
change prompting concern that feedbacks in the arctic climate system
could amplify global climate change. Perhaps of greatest concern, at
least from a global perspective, is the fate of the carbon balance as
the Arctic warms.

The selected postdoctoral fellow will participate in an
interdisciplinary project aimed at improving the ability to simulate,
understand, and predict high-latitude terrestrial climate feedbacks in
CCSM. The project's goal is to develop a version of CCSM that can
address the critical carbon issues in the arctic tundra, including the
accumulation and loss of carbon in organic or peatland type soil
profiles, the partitioning of carbon emission between methane and carbon
dioxide, hydrologic cycle change related to permafrost degradation, and
the interaction between temperature, nitrogen cycling, and the
transition between herbaceous tundra and woody arctic scrubland. This
high-priority research and model development effort will be conducted in
collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of NCAR scientists and
external university partners.

Initial consideration will be given to applications received prior to
Friday, 10 November 2006. Thereafter, applications will be considered on
an as needed basis.

A detailed job description is available at at:

Apply online or send a scannable resume to:
Job Number 7002
3065 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301

Please feel free to contact David Lawrence (dlawren [at] if you
would like further information.