
PhD Student Positions Available
Department of Geography
University of Turku

Application Deadline: Monday, 20 November 2006

For further information on the University of Turku in Finland, please go to:

The Department of Geography at the University of Turku has two 3-year PhD
positions available in flood research arising from two sister projects:
- "The Future of Floods in Finland"
- "Minimizing Flood Damages: Flood Scenarios, Damage Assessment, and
Risk Maps"

The main objective of the research is to improve understanding of
flooding and flood-related hazards under changing environmental
conditions, including:
- scenario building in a century time frame of future flow conditions
and flooding as a function of climate and the physical characteristics
of the studied drainage basins using GIS-techniques and hydraulic
- projections of flood-related damages, evaluation and assessment, and
implications to mitigation and adaptation; and
- cartographic visualization and database development of flood hazards
and flood risk indices using GIS techniques.

Requirements for both posts include a master's degree in an appropriate
field and good written and oral knowledge of English. For the PhD
project on physical aspects of flood research, applicants should also
have a background in physical geography or equivalent, preferably with
an emphasis on hydrogeography, knowledge in remote
sensing/geoinformatics, and demonstrated computing skills. For the PhD
project on human aspects of flood research, applicants should also have
a background in geography or equivalent, preferably with emphasis on
planning and cartography, knowledge in geoinformatics, and experience in
quantitative/qualitative research methods.

Applications (in English) should consist of a cover letter including a
short explanation of the candidate's interest in conducting a PhD in
flood research, CV, a verified copy of the master's degree certificate,
and names and contact information of two people who can be contacted as
a reference. Please send applications to:
Department of Geography
University of Turku
FI-20014 Turku

For further information, please contact:
Jukka Kayhko
Phone: +358-2-333 5593
E-mail: jukka.kayhko [at]