
New Research Network Formed, Grants Available
Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Valoree Walker
E-mail: vwalker [at]

The Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada (SERNNoCa) is a
new initiative aimed at connecting representatives from universities and
colleges, community-based organizations, and not-for-profit groups for
the purpose of collaborative social science research.

Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,
SERNNoCa sponsors research projects in four thematic areas:
- profiling the social economy in northern Canada;
- resource regimes;
- indigenous communities; and
- the state and the social economy in the North.

Grants are available to Canadian researchers for regional, collaborative
projects that address any of the network's primary themes. Projects must
include active partnerships between universities and community groups,
focus on regionally relevant issues of social economy, and provide
opportunities for information dissemination across multiple regions.

Individuals interested in applying for a research grant must complete an
online application that includes a project description and CV.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

SERNNoCa is part of a national research program comprised of five other
regional networks throughout Canada. The research programs of SERNNoCa
are coordinated by Yukon College, Nunavut Arctic College, and Aurora
College in the Northwest Territories, with cooperation from ten other

For further information and to apply for a grant, please go to: