
Publications Available
Alaska Sea Grant Bookstore

For more information, please go to:

The Alaska Sea Grant Bookstore has several publications about Alaska's
seas and coasts that would make great holiday gifts. The bookstore works
with scientists, educators, resource users, and others to provide
award-winning books and videos about the marine environment. Orders may
be placed online (see above URL), or via phone (907-474-6707) or fax

Titles and prices (in U.S. dollars) include:

2007 Alaska Coastal Calendar. This 9x12, 16-month wall calendar provides
a one-of-a-kind look at Alaska's seas and coasts and describes current
research in these regions. $12.00

Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska. This 80-page book covers all 29
marine mammal species of Alaska. $20.00

Common Edible Seaweeds in the Gulf of Alaska. Includes information on
how to locate, identify, and prepare several species of seaweeds. $10.00

The Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands: Region of Wonders. A richly
illustrated, 199-page book describing the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands. $25.00

Field Guide to Bird Nests and Eggs of Alaska's Coastal Tundra.
Illustrated with more than 450 photographs of birds, nests and nesting
habitat, eggs, feathers, and wings of over 70 species. $25.00

Ocean Treasure: Commercial Fishing in Alaska. A full-color, 200-page
book about Alaska's fishing industry. $25.00

Ocean Fury: Tsunamis in Alaska. This program, available in video and
DVD, presents the science of tsunamis using 3D computer graphics. $25.00

Northern Harbors and Small Ports: Operation and Maintenance. Authored by
Alan Sorum, port director in Valdez, Alaska, a guide for day-to-day and
long-term operation of harbors in northern regions. $20.00

Life on the Beach: Among Friends and Anemones. Fun, educational video
for kids comes with a teacher guide for classroom use. Available in
video and DVD. $25.00

The Gulf of Alaska: Biology and Oceanography. A resource guide for
scientists, students, and managers working in the Gulf of Alaska. $25.00

Guide to Northeast Pacific Rockfishes. Identifies 32 species of rockfish
found off the coasts of Alaska and British Columbia, including color
photographs and illustrations. $20.00

Salmon Migration Game. This color-illustrated board game is a fun way
for kids in grades K-5 to learn about the salmon life cycle. $10.00

Ocean Bounty Poster. Laminated poster featuring color illustrations and
facts about 33 fish and invertebrates important to Alaska's commercial
fisheries. $5.00

Southwestern Alaska Subsistence Poster. Colorful poster with harvest
seasons for 39 subsistence plants and animals traditionally used by
Yupik Natives in southwestern Alaska. $5.00

Outdoor Survival Training. Illustrated curriculum guide for grades K-12
on survival skills applicable to Alaska emergency situations. Instructor
and student manuals available. $8.00

For information on ordering these and other items from the Alaska Sea
Grant Bookstore, please go to: