
Summer School Announcement
Modeling of the Arctic System
International Arctic Research Center
1-14 July 2007
Fairbanks, Alaska

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 31 January 2007

For further information, please contact:
Ms. Chris Lace
International Arctic Research Center
E-mail: clace [at]

The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) is hosting a two-week summer school on arctic
system modeling on 1-14 July 2007. The summer school will be held at
UAF, although several excursions outside Fairbanks are planned to
highlight components of the arctic system relevant to modeling.

The course will consist of classroom tutorials by leading arctic
modelers, together with hands-on work with models of varying complexity.
Each student will work on a project as a member of a small team together
with an instructor and will present a project report at the end of the
two-week period.

The summer school is open to graduate students and postdoctoral
scientists having a demonstrated interest in arctic modeling. Advanced
undergraduates with experience in arctic modeling may also apply.
Experience with a particular component (e.g., atmosphere, ocean,
terrestrial, cryosphere, and biogeochemistry) is sufficient, provided
the applicant has an interest in system interactions involving that

Applicants should submit a short CV that includes a list of relevant
coursework, a one-page statement of interest, and a letter of
recommendation from a research supervisor, via e-mail to:
Ms. Chris Lace
E-mail: clace [at]

Applicants will be selected on the basis of their experience with,
interest in, and commitment to arctic modeling. The deadline for
applications is Wednesday, 31 January 2007, and applicants will be
notified of the outcome of the selection process by Thursday, 1 March
2007. IARC will provide financial support for 12-15 successful
applicants in the form of economy-class round-trip airfare, two weeks of
lodging in UAF campus apartments, and a meal allowance.

For further information about IARC, please visit the website at: