
Research Fellowship Opportunity
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
Prince William Sound Science Center

Application Deadline: Thursday, 1 March 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Nancy Bird, Executive Director
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
E-mail: bird [at]

The Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI), a research entity of the Prince
William Sound Science Center located in Cordova, Alaska, invites
applications for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program, which
provides funding for qualified masters and doctoral students to address
scientific questions of significance to high latitude cold climate
regions at risk from oil and gas activities.

The OSRI fellowships support research projects that enhance scientific
understanding of the marine ecosystem, provide information needed by
managers and decision-makers for oil spill response and recovery, and
improve public awareness and understanding of marine and estuarine
ecosystems. Funded projects must address one of the following focus
areas: observations and modeling of marine ecosystems, technology
development, or socioeconomics.

Fellowships are available on a competitive basis to students admitted to
or enrolled in a full-time doctoral or masters program at accredited
colleges and universities. Fellowships may be funded for up to two years
to support masters or up to three years to support doctoral level
research. The current award amount is $25,000 USD per year that may be
used for tuition and research-related expenses. There is a 25% match

Applications must include an academic resume or CV, cover letter,
unofficial copy of all undergraduate and graduate transcripts, signed
letter of support from applicant's graduate advisor, two signed letters
of recommendation, and a detailed research proposal. Applications should
be submitted by Thursday, 1 March 2007, to:
OSRI Science Director
Prince William Sound Science Center
PO Box 705, 300 Breakwater Avenue
Cordova, AK 99574

Applicants are encouraged to review the Graduate Research Fellowship
Program guidelines and OSRI Science Plan at the OSRI website (http:// before applying.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Nancy Bird, Executive Director
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
E-mail: bird [at]