
New Website Available
Sea Ice Tide - Inertial Interaction
International Arctic Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks

The website is available at:

A new website is available for Sea Ice Tide - Inertial Interaction
(SITII), a project of the International Arctic Research Center at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs, SITII is an observation and
modeling project aimed at elucidating the physical mechanisms underlying
the interaction of tides, boundary layers, and sea ice mechanisms.

The study utilizes drift data from buoys that were deployed in the
Beaufort Sea in August 2006, in addition to buoys from previous arctic
field projects, to track the movement and interaction of sea ice
relative to storms and tidal changes. The website features near
real-time position data for the buoys as well as detailed descriptions
of the Joint Western Arctic Climate Study/Joint Ocean Ice Study Research
Cruise on the icebreaker Louis St. Laurent in August 2006.

A second set of buoys will be deployed in 2007.

For further information on SITII, please contact:
Jennifer Hutchings
International Arctic Research Center
E-mail: jenny [at]