
Position Announcement
Molecular Barcoding Database Management
Census of Antarctic Marine Life
Scott Polar Research Institute
Cambridge, UK

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 14 February 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Colin Summerhayes
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Scott Polar Research
E-mail: cps32 [at]

The Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) at the Scott Polar Research
Institute (SPRI) in Cambridge, UK is seeking a Research Assistant
(part-time) to manage its molecular barcoding database.

CAML is part of the Census of Marine Life program, a global network of
researchers in more than 70 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to
assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of past,
present, and future marine life in the oceans. During the International
Polar Year, CAML will inventory the Antarctic benthic and pelagic biota,
including invertebrates and vertebrates, to understand the biological
diversity of this unique environment. One of the CAML objectives is to
contribute to the Barcode of Life project that utilizes molecular
barcoding to elucidate the richness of species of marine communities.

The position involves formulating a list of Antarctic species that have
been sequenced to date and establishing priorities and criteria for
non-sequenced species. The successful applicant will also work with
other molecular labs and the CAML marine research community to provide
for laboratory analysis of non-sequenced species and arrange for
collection and analysis of selected specimens following uniform sampling
protocols. The position is based at SPRI and involves collaboration with
the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge.

Applicants should have a degree in molecular biology or genetics and a
sound working knowledge of DNA sequence comparisons with existing
databases, such as Genbank and EMBL. A postgraduate qualification with
phylogenetic or population genetic experience is an advantage.
Applicants should also have effective information technology and
communication skills, along with the ability to work on a team and under
deadlines. The position is for up to 30 months.

Full application information, including all required forms, is available