
Call for Online Student and Classroom Participation
SnowSTAR-2007: Alaska-Canada Barrenlands Traverse

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Dave Andersen
E-mail: resnorth [at]

or contact:
Matthew Sturm
E-mail: Matthew.Sturm [at]

Students across the circumpolar North and lower latitudes are invited to
participate online in SnowSTAR-2007: Alaska-Canada Barrenlands Traverse.
Five American and three Canadian scientists will travel by snowmobile
across Alaska and Canada in March-April 2007. The 3,500-kilometer trip
will follow the Arctic Circle for much of the route and will take the
scientists to dozens of historic arctic locations, two remote diamond
mines, and eleven villages. The goal of the trip is to "find" the Arctic
by exploring the changing natural and human systems in the region,
talking to the people who live in towns and villages along the route,
and discovering what makes up the modern Arctic today. The scientists
will also collect the first-ever comprehensive set of physical and
chemical data on the snow cover of the Barrenlands, the vast expanse of
tundra and taiga across the North American Arctic.

In order to share the experience with school children across the region
and beyond, the team will carry with them posters, photos, and greetings
from one classroom to another. Hundreds of students from a wide range of
grade levels throughout the U.S. and Canada have already signed up to
follow the expedition. The team invites teachers and students to
participate by tracking their progress on the website and classroom map
displays, exchanging posters with other schools, incorporating northern
topics into classroom activities, and scheduling classroom visits by the
scientists themselves.

For further information, including teacher instructions, options for
classroom participation, and details on how to sign up for the
expedition, please go to: