
Conference Announcement
Communicating Science to Broader Audiences
12-13 April 2007
University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Registration Deadline: Thursday, 1 March 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Verona Skomski
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
E-mail: vskomski3 [at]

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln is hosting the Communicating
Science to Broader Audiences Conference on 12-13 April 2007, for
researchers and writers interested in raising awareness and knowledge
about science, math, and engineering outside the scientific community.
Nationally recognized scientists and science writers will join
participants in examining how the changing nature of communication
affects public support, funding, and how students are educated.

The goals of the National Science Foundation-funded conference include
raising awareness of the importance of science in the context of the NSF
Broader Impacts criterion, developing a web-based resource that
scientists and journalists can use to improve science communication in
multiple media, and initiating discussions between researchers and
writers about the challenges involved in communicating science and
scientific research to broader audiences, as well as how these
challenges could be addressed within the undergraduate and graduate
education of scientists and journalists.

Institutions are encouraged to send teams that include scientists,
mathematicians, and/or engineers and science/math/engineering

For further information and to register for the conference, please go