
PhD Research Fellowship Available
Geology (Marine Geology/Palaeoceanography)
University of Tromso, Norway

Application Deadline: Monday, 19 March 2007

For further information (in Norwegian and English), please go to:

or contact:
Lindsay Wilson
E-mail: lindsay.wilson [at]

The Faculty of Science at University of Tromso, Norway invites
applications for a PhD research fellowship in geology (marine geology,
palaeoceanography) as part of the project "Assessment of Benthic
Foraminifera As an Environmental Proxy In the Arctic Region (FORARC)."

Funded by the Research Council of Norway, the project is a collaboration
between the University of Tromso and the Norwegian Polar Institute. The
successful candidate will contribute to the development of environmental
proxies based on studies of sediment samples of benthic foraminifera
living in the northern seas. In addition, environmental changes during
the last 1,000 years will be reconstructed. Measurements of Ca/Mg ratios
and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes are important methods on the

The successful candidate will teach in marine geology and
paleoceanography. The normal period of appointment is four years, with
25 percent obligatory duties per year. Previous appointments as a
research fellow or in other equivalent recruitment posts can be included
in the period such that the total time for research education is three
years. The position is connected to the PhD Trainee School in Arctic
Marine Geology and Geophysics at the Department of Geology, University
of Tromso.

Applications must be submitted by Monday, 19 March 2007, at:

Applicants must also submit five complete sets of CV, copies of
certificates and testimonials, and list of scientific papers to:
University of Tromso
NO-9037 Tromso

Applicants may submit three copies of published or unpublished
scientific works for consideration directly to the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the above address.

For further information, please contact:
Lindsay Wilson
E-mail: lindsay.wilson [at]