
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Abstract Submission and Registration Available
    2012 Alaska Marine Science Symposium
    16-20 January 2012
    Anchorage, Alaska

  2. Workshop Announcement and Call for Papers
    Ocean Influence on Climate and Cryosphere in the Arctic
    28-30 November 2011
    Sopot, Poland

  3. Call for Papers
    15th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering
    19-22 August 2012
    Quebec City, Canada

  4. Colloquium Announcement
    44th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
    7-11 May 2012
    Liege, Belgium

  1. Abstract Submission and Registration Available
    2012 Alaska Marine Science Symposium
    16-20 January 2012
    Anchorage, Alaska

The 2012 Alaska Marine Science Symposium will be held 16-20 January 2012
at the Hotel Captain Cook and the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage, Alaska.
Organizers announce that abstract submission and registration are now

Plenary and poster sessions feature a broad spectrum of ocean science,
including the fields of climate, oceanography, lower trophic levels, the
benthos, fishes and invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, local and
traditional knowledge, and socioeconomic research. The symposium will
also include keynote speakers, workshops, and special sessions.

The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, 3 October 2011. Please
note that the deadline is earlier than previous years, and late
submittals will not be accepted. To submit an abstract, please go to:

Registration is free, and all attendees must register prior to 6 January
2012. Submitting an abstract will not register you for the symposium. To
register, please go to:

Abstract submission deadline: Monday, 3 October 2011.
Registration deadline: 6 January 2012.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Workshop Announcement and Call for Papers
    Ocean Influence on Climate and Cryosphere in the Arctic
    28-30 November 2011
    Sopot, Poland

Organizers announce the scientific workshop on "Ocean Influence on
Climate and Cryosphere in the Arctic" scheduled for 28-30 November 2011
at the Institute of Oceanology in Sopot, Poland.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the Polish-Norwegian Fund under the
Arctic Climate and Environment of the Nordic Seas and the Svalbard -
Greenland Area (AWAKE) Project and by the Committee on Polar Research,
Polish Academy of Sciences within a series of the biannual conferences
"Progress in Polar Research." The overall AWAKE project and workshop
science goals are to advance the knowledge of processes controlling
exchange of energy and moisture between ocean, atmosphere, and
cryosphere in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic and their relative role
as driving factors of climatic and environmental changes at a global

The main objective of the workshop is to summarize progress in
understanding the role of ocean and atmospheric circulation in the
cryospheric, climate, and environmental changes in the Atlantic Arctic
based on results of the AWAKE project, those carried within the
framework of Committee of Polish Polar Research and other related

This cross-disciplinary meeting will include invited keynote
presentations, and oral (plenary only) and poster sessions to facilitate
discussion and exchange of ideas on the following main topics:

- Ocean processes in the Northern Atlantic and Spitsbergen fjords
(ocean circulation with special attention to heat transport, heat
exchange and balance);
- Climate changes at regional and local scales over wide spectrum of
time scales (atmospheric circulation, energy balance, sea-land heat,
and moisture transfer);
- Changes of land and marine cryosphere (glacier processes driven by
climatic and oceanic factors, related feedbacks); and
- Coupling of climatic, ocean, and glacial processes and their
consequences to the arctic environment.

Organizers call for submission of short abstracts on the main workshop
topics and related issues. Abstracts should be less than 500 words,
including the title, list of co-authors, and their affiliations. They
must be submitted via email (awake [at] in MSWord format by
Wednesday, 5 October 2011. Abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific
Committee by 20 October 2011.

There is no registration fee but all attendees will be required to
register via the workshop website. Limited support (grants for
accommodation in Sopot) will be available to young scientists who are
authors of accepted abstracts.

Further information, including details on the venue, accommodations,
meeting program, and scientific committee, is available at:

  1. Call for Papers
    15th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering
    19-22 August 2012
    Quebec City, Canada

Organizers of the 15th International Conference on Cold Regions
Engineering (ICCRE) announce a call for papers. The conference will be
held 19-22 August 2012 in Quebec City, Canada.

The conference organizers, American Society of Civil Engineers'
Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering and the Canadian Society
for Civil Engineering are seeking abstracts for papers with themes of
sustainable infrastructure development in a changing cold environment.
The growing demand for development of natural resources and climate
change adaptation and mitigation strategies are stimulating innovation
and sustainable development in cold regions. This conference will bring
together scientists, engineers, economists, and decision-makers to
discuss the aspects involved in implementing sustainable infrastructure
in cold regions.

The abstract submission deadline for paper presentations is Friday, 30
September 2011. All submissions will be processed via the conference web
site where prospective presenters will be able to upload their
abstracts. Abstracts from students will be considered for both
presentation in the main conference as well as for presentation in
student-focused conference activities. Notices of acceptance will be
issued by 15 November 2011. Conference proceedings will be published.

For further information and to submit an abstract, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Guy Dore
Email: Guy.Dore [at]

  1. Colloquium Announcement
    44th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
    7-11 May 2012
    Liege, Belgium

Organizers announce the 44th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean
Dynamics, entitled "Remote sensing of colour, temperature, and
salinity--new challenges and opportunities." It will be held 7-11 May
2012 in Liege, Belgium.

Remote sensing has become an essential tool in oceanography. The
development of new sensors and algorithms has extended the application
of ocean remote sensing to new research domains, and new data analysis
techniques are allowing improvements in the quality of the datasets used
for oceanographic and climatic research. Variables like sea surface
temperature or those derived from the ocean color have already shown
their relevance to climate change studies. The use of satellite-derived
salinity, as a fairly new dataset, is an exciting opportunity to improve
our knowledge of the ocean dynamics and ocean-atmosphere interactions.
The 2012 Liege Colloquium will be devoted to the latest developments in
the research fields of salinity, temperature, and ocean color remote
sensing. Open scientific questions and new research directions are of
particular interest. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31
December 2011.

For further information, please go to: